Hawzah News Agency – Imam al-Rida peace be upon him says:
السَّخِيُّ يَأكُلُ مِن طَعامِ الناسِ لِيَأكُلُوا مِن طَعامِهِ، والبَخيلُ لا يَأكُلُ مِن طَعامِ الناسِ لِئَلّا يَأكُلُوا مِن طَعامِهِ.
'The generous person partakes of other people's food in order that they may [feel comfortable to] partake of his food, whereas the miser does not partake of others' food so that they may not eat from his.'
Source: Bihar al-Anwar, v. 71, p. 352, no. 8